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BSTDB and other IFIs partners launch climate finance video campaign ahead of COP27 Investing for a greener world

Press Release | 02-Nov-2022

The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB)  and  other international financial institutions (IFIs) are for the first time launching a joint video campaign, Investing for a greener world, to showcase their role in facilitating climate change solutions, ahead of COP27.

The group of IFIs includes the African Development Bank (AfDB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB), Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), European Investment Bank (EIB), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), New Development Bank (NDB), the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) and the World Bank (WBG). 

The joint video aims to raise awareness of the impact of the IFIs’ climate action work through the personal stories of beneficiaries, from Saint Lucia to the Philippines, Romania and Uganda.

Together, the participating institutions have a global reach, across Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the Americas. Cumulatively, they invest billions each year in climate change mitigation and adaptation programmes, providing a collective green response that is fast and transformative. This adds crucial firepower to tackling global warming and extreme weather wherever it occurs. Their combined impact drastically cuts CO2 emissions, promotes awareness about climate solutions and benefits millions of people. 

The BSTDB President Dr. Serhat Köksal has said: “Working together with other multilateral development banks to mitigate climate change has never been more important. It is a top priority in every aspect of BSTDB's development financing in all our member countries in the Black Sea region. This joint video production paints a vivid illustration of not just our collective investment but more importantly our collective impact. It also shows the different ways climate change is impacting people right across the planet and reminds us of the importance of rapidly scaling up our action to avoid its worst effects.” 

As strong allies for low carbon pathways, the IFIs help the countries in which they invest to seize the economic and social opportunities presented by the transition to a greener world. As investors and partners, they catalyse private sector mobilisation and facilitate policy reforms conducive to greener practices. They also cooperate across regions to enable an exchange of knowledge and to deliver projects in response to the varied development needs of the economies in which they operate.


Haroula Christodoulou
E-mail: cchristodoulou@bstdb.org
Phone: +30 2310 290533
Twitter: @BSTDB; @Haroulax 

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