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BSTDB Hosts the Spring Meeting of the Evaluation Cooperation Group

Event | 26-Jun-2019

The Black Sea Tarde and Development Bank (BSTDB) hosted the 2019 Spring Meeting of the MDBs’ Evaluation Cooperation Group that took place in Thessaloniki on June 24-26. As a current Chair of ECG since December 2018, the BSTDB’s Evaluation Office enjoyed for the first time the duty and privilege to organize and lead the regular ECG meeting, addressing a demanding professional agenda. The membership of ECG consists of the Independent Evaluation Departments of 10 MDBs. All ECG members meet regularly to work on a wide range of evaluation issues, such as international evaluation standards, methods, peer reviews, and thematic studies of common interest. They exchange knowledge and lessons learned to enhance the evaluation functions towards excelling measurement and fulfillment of the mandates of the MDBs.

The third day of the ECG meeting, June 26, involved sharing of knowledge and experience among the ECG members and the Management and staff of BSTDB. ECG contributed to a seminar on Public Private Partnerships and Mobilization of Private Sector Finance in the Development Context. The presenting ECG guests came from the Independent Evaluation Units of EIB, EBRD, AsDB and IFC. The seminar format was very interactive, in order to stimulate exchange of experience and knowledge across a wide range of institutions. BSTDB expects that the high level seminar will be followed by further forms of inter-institutional cooperation, across and beyond the involved ECG members.

For more info about the MDB’s Evaluation Cooperation Group, please visit: https://www.ecgnet.org/.

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