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Midia Gas Development Project, Romania

The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) is considering providing support to the Black Sea Oil and Gas S.A. for financing the drilling, development, production, management and maintenance of the Ana and Doina gas fields located at 120 km offshore Romania in the Black Sea. The project consists of 1 subsea well at Doina field connected via a 18 km subsea pipeline to an unmanned production platform consisting of 4 wells at Ana field, that further connects via a 121 km subsea pipeline and 4.1 km onshore underground pipeline to a new gas treatment plant.

As per the BSTDB’s Environmental and Social Policy and Public Information Policy greenfield offshore exploitation of gas fields with consequent transfer to onshore treatment facilities via subsea pipeline fall under environmental and social (E&S) Category A. This requires for an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), a meaningful public consultation, and public disclosure on the Bank’s webpage of any E&S information relevant to the Project. Such information will be disclosed minimum 30 calendar days before the operation is submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration. Thus, any stakeholders directly or indirectly affected by the project, or having an interest in it, can review such information, make enquiries, and provide comments. This however does not substitute for the obligation of BSOG to identify stakeholders affected by, or interested in the project, and communicate with them in a meaningful way.

Additional information can be found on the Black Sea Oil & Gas website.

The following documents are available for public review and comments:

Full ESIA documentation is available at:
Black Sea Oil & Gas SA
175 Calea Floreasca, 10th floor,
district #1, 014459,
Bucharest, Romania,
phone: +40 21 231 32 56
e-mail: office@blackseaog.com

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