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Internship program

The Internship Program of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB, the Bank) has the aim to:

  • Provide a unique and first-hand experience of the functions and working processes of the Bank and of international financial institutions in general;
  • Put into practice knowledge and competencies acquired during studies and help build employability skills by introducing the interns to the professional world;
  • Enhance capabilities for working in a team in a multicultural and multi-linguistic environment;
  • Promote  the image of the Bank by disseminating information of the activities and the institutional objectives of the Bank, and the potential of the Black Sea Region; and/or
  • Contribute to the success of the Bank by benefiting from the fresh point of view and up-to-date academic research and knowledge that interns bring.
  • Expand the potential pool of candidates for employment with the Bank.

Assignments given to interns would normally include, but not be limited to:

  • Participation in research projects based on the Bank’s operational needs;
  • Preparation of specialized databases; 
  • Documental research and information gathering on a particular topic; 
  • Participation in the assessment of an economic, financial or technical aspect of a project; 
  • Participation in the comparative assessments of policies and programs of other IFIs and international organizations;
  • Involvement in the Bank’s promotional activities, events and meetings;
  • Participation in IT projects.


Additional Information

The duration of an internship shall be from 1 to 9 months, with a minimum of 30 hours per week.

Interns shall receive a monthly internship maintenance grant for each month of completed internship as follows:

  • interns, who rent accommodation in Thessaloniki for the purpose of the internship, shall receive Euros 700 (proof of rent is required); 
  • interns, who do not rent accommodation in Thessaloniki for the purpose of their internship, shall receive Euros 400.

Interns shall be reimbursed for travel expenses incurred at the beginning and at the end of the internship up to the total cost of one round trip economy class airfare between the place of university or equivalent studies and Thessaloniki, or, in cases of graduates - between the place of their residence at the time of acceptance of the internship offer and Thessaloniki, unless they are entitled to claim such travel expenses from any other source.

Interns whose place of university or equivalent studies is less than 65 km from Thessaloniki are not entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses.

The Bank does not have any obligation to secure the interns’ accommodation in Greece, or to organize their travel arrangements.

Admission to the Bank’s Internship Program does not confer on interns the status of employees of the Bank nor does it entail any benefits, privileges and immunities that Bank staff and officials have. Completion of the Bank’s Internship Program does not give interns any privileges with regard to their possible application for employment with the Bank, nor does it entail any right of priority with regard to any future applications for employment with the Bank. Interns may apply to externally advertised Bank positions. An internship can never lead to any employment contract with the Bank without the successful outcome of an external selection procedure.