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Agricover (Romania)


In 2017, BSTDB provided RON 69,502,500 (EUR 15 million equivalent) to Agricover Credit IFN, a Romanian financial institution specializing in financing the agricultural sector. This is the Bank’s first local currency loan to a Romanian company. The BSTDB financing helps Romanian farmers get access to much-needed local currency funding to improve productivity, generate value added, and create jobs. The new loan builds on the successful cooperation between BSTDB and Agricover Group started in 2013.

Agricover Credit IFN (IFN) - the financing arm of Agricover Group – is the first financial institution in Romania to offer financial products exclusively to farmers in the vegetal and livestock sectors. Its solid knowledge and deep understanding of the specifics of the farming activity enable the company to develop innovative products dedicated to financing working capital and investments in a flexible manner, customized to the real needs of farmers.